
Psychotronic weapons : Brain Manipulation From a Distance

There we find the explanation of this terminology: "In the report on the research of the American Physical Society for the year 1993 the conclusion is presented that psychophysical weapon systems can be used for the construction of a strategic arm of a new type (informational weapon in informational war)" Among many references to this subject we find Materials of the Parliament Hearings "Threats and Challenges in the Sphere of Informational Security", Moscow, July 1996, "Informational Weapon as a Threat to the National Security of the Russian Federation" (analytical report of the Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation), Moscow, 1996 and a material "To Whom Will Belong the Conscienscious Weapon in the 21st century", Moscow, 1997. (18). In 2000 V. Lopatin introduced, after two other authors, the third in order bill on the subject of "Informational and Psychological Security of the Russian Federation". The Russian newspaper Segodnya wrote about this draft: means of informational-psychological influence are capable not only to harm the health of a person, but, as well, cause and quotation of Lopatin's draft follows the blocking of freedom of will of human being on subliminal level, the loss of ability of political, cultural and other selfidentifiction of human being, the manipulation of societal consciousness" and even destruction of united informational and spiritual space of Russia" (17).

In the book "Psychotronic Weapon and the Security of Russia" the authors propose among the basic principles of the Russian concept of the defense against the remote control of human psyche the acknowledgement of its factual existence as well as the acknowledgement of realistic feasibility of informational, psychotronic war (which as a matter of fact is actually taking place without declaration of war)" (19). They quote as well the record from the session of the Russian Federation Federal Council where V. Lopatin stated that psychotronic weapon can "cause the blocking of the freedom of will of a human being on a subliminal level" or "instillation into the consciousness or subconsciousness of a human being of information which will cause faulty perception of the reality" (20). For that matter they propose the preparation of national legislative as well as the norms of international law "aimed at the defense of human psyche against subliminal, destructive, informational effects" (21). As well they propose the declassificcation of all works on this technology and warn that, as a consequence of the classification, the arms race is speeding up making the psychotronic war probable. Among the possible sources of remote influence on human psyche they list the generators of physical fields" of "known as well as unknown nature" (22).

In 1999 the STOA (Scientific and Technological Options Assessment), part of the Directorate General for Research of the European Parliament published the report on Crowd Control Technologies, ordered by them with the OMEGA foundation in British Manchester (23). One of four major subjects of the study are the 2nd generation" or "non lethal" technologies: "This report evaluates the second generation of 'non-lethal' weapons which are emerging from national military and nuclear weapons laboratories in the United States as part of the Clinton Administration's 'non-lethal' warfare doctrine now adopted in turn by NATO. These devices include weapons using directed energy beam,radiorequency, laser and accoustic mechanisms to incapacitate human targets" (24) The report states that the most controversial non-lethal' crowd control technology proposed by the U.S., are so called Radio Frequency or Directed Energy Weapons that can allegedly manipulate human behavior the greatest concern is with systems which can directly interact with the human nervous system" (25).

The report also states that perhaps the most powerful developments remain shrouded in secrecy" (26). The unavailability of offical documents confirming the existence of this technology may be the reason why the OMEGA report is referencing, with respect to mind control technology, the internet publication of the author of this article (27). In an identical approach the internet publication of the directrice of the American human rights and anti mind control organization (CAHRA), Cheryl Welsh, is referenced by joint initiative of Quaker United Nations Office, United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, and Programme for Strategic and International Security Studies, with respect to non-lethal weapons (28).

On September 25th, 2000 the Committee on Security of the Russian State Duma discussed the addendum to the article 6 of the Federal law On Weapons. In the resolution we read: The achievements of contemporary science allow for creation of measured methods of secret, remote influencing on the psyches and physiology of a person or a group of people" (29). The committee recommended that the addendum be approved.The addendum to the article 6 of the Russian Federation law On Weapons" was approved on July 26, 2001.

It states: within the territory of the Russian Federation is prohibited the circulation of weapons and other objects the effects of the operation of which are based on the use of electromagnetic, light, thermal, infra-sonic or ultra-sonic radiations" (30). In this way the Russian government made a first step to stand up to its dedication to the ban of mind control technology.In the Doctrine of Informational Security of the Russian Federation, signed by president Putin in September 2000, among the dangers threatening the informational security of Russian Federation, is listed the threat to the constitutional rights and freedoms of people and citizens in the sphere of spiritual life individual, group and societal consciousness" and "illegal use of special means affecting individual, group and societal consciousness" (31). Among the major directions of the international cooperation toward the guaranteeing of the informational security is listed the ban of production, dissemination and use of 'informational weapon' " (32). This should be interpreted as the continuing Russian dedication to the international ban of the means of remote influencing of the activity of human brain.

In the above mentioned report, published by the STOA, the originally proposed version of the resolution of the European Parliament is quoted, calling for an international convention for a global ban on all research and development which seeks to apply knowledge of the chemical, electrical, sound vibration or other functioning of the human brain to the development of weapons which might enable the manipulation of human beings, including a ban of any actual or possible deployment of such systems."(33) Here the term "actual" might easily mean that such weapons are already deployed. Among the countries with the most advanced military technologies those are the USA which did not present any international initiative demanding the ban of technologies enabling the remote control of human mind. (The original version of the bill by Denis J. Kucinich was changed.) All the same, according to the study published by STOA, the USA are the major promoter of the use of those arms.

Non lethal technology was included into NATO military doctrine due to their effort: "At the initiative of the USA, within the framework of NATO, a special group was formed, for the perspective use of devices of non-lethal effects" states the record from the session of the Committe on Security of the Russian State Duma (29). The report published by STOA states: "In October 1999 NATO announced a new policy on non-lethal weapons and their place in allied arsenals" (34). "In 1996 non-lethal tools identified by the U.S. Army included directed energy systems" and "radio frequency weapons" (35) - those weapons, as was suggested in the STOA report as well, are being associated with the effects on human nervous system. According to the Russian government informational agency FAPSI, in the last 15 years, the U.S. expenses on the development and acquisition of the means of informational war grew four times and at present time they occupy the first place among all military programs (17),(3).Though there are other concepts of informational war than mind control, the unwillingnes of the USA to engage in the negotiations aimed at the ban of the manipulation of human brains might indicate their intent to use those means in internal as well as international affairs.

One clear consequence of the continuation of the apparent politics of secrecy surrounding technologies enabling remote control of human brains might be that the governments, who would own such technologies, could use them without having to take into consideration the opinion of the general public. The concept of the democratic world would be, though secretly, disrupted in this way, and in the future the world populations could live in only fake democracy where their own or foreign governments might, by means of secret technologies, shape their opinions.



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