FLUORIDATION: Mind Control of the Masses
Nexus is a respectable, if somewhat offbeat, publication. Some excerpts:
"I say this in all earnestness and sincerity of a scientist who has spent nearly 20 years research into the chemistry, Bio-chemistry, physiology and pathology and pathology of fluorine: any person who drinks artificially fluorinated water for a period of one year or more will never again be the same person, mentally or physically."
Bob Avery
Mind Control of the Masses
Fluorine-based compounds in pharmaceuticals and chemicals are known to have deadly side effects, yet vested interests in big business and government persist in poisoning the environment as well as our minds and bodies.
By Ian E. Stephens
From an article in Nexus Magazine August/September 95
Despite damning evidence on fluoride toxicity, bureaucracies and multinationals continue to pollute our drinking water and mess with our physical and mental health
Extracted with permission from his 1987 self-published booklet
The Dickinson Statement: A Mind-Bogging Thesis
Part 1
This story has a beginning, it has a middle but it has no ending. The 'ending' will undoubtedly be written in countless hospital records, on tiny gravestones, in the bones of the crippled and on the hearts of thebereaved. Even so, the true cause of the 'ending' will never be advertised. One record that slipped past the establishment net is duplicated herein but, believe it or not, the existence of this 'death certificate' has been denied, in writing and to overseas scientific inquiry, by Australian administrators...
Informant: V
"I say this in all earnestness and sincerity of a scientist who has spent nearly 20 years research into the chemistry, Bio-chemistry, physiology and pathology and pathology of fluorine: any person who drinks artificially fluorinated water for a period of one year or more will never again be the same person, mentally or physically."
Bob Avery
Mind Control of the Masses
Fluorine-based compounds in pharmaceuticals and chemicals are known to have deadly side effects, yet vested interests in big business and government persist in poisoning the environment as well as our minds and bodies.
By Ian E. Stephens
From an article in Nexus Magazine August/September 95
Despite damning evidence on fluoride toxicity, bureaucracies and multinationals continue to pollute our drinking water and mess with our physical and mental health
Extracted with permission from his 1987 self-published booklet
The Dickinson Statement: A Mind-Bogging Thesis
Part 1
This story has a beginning, it has a middle but it has no ending. The 'ending' will undoubtedly be written in countless hospital records, on tiny gravestones, in the bones of the crippled and on the hearts of thebereaved. Even so, the true cause of the 'ending' will never be advertised. One record that slipped past the establishment net is duplicated herein but, believe it or not, the existence of this 'death certificate' has been denied, in writing and to overseas scientific inquiry, by Australian administrators...
Informant: V
Omega - 18. Mar, 23:22