Fotos Action Ettlingen, Germany
----- Original Message -----
From: Monika Stoces
To: redaktion.ka-stadt
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2007 2:44 PM
Subject: Konrad Stammschroer
Hello Mr Stammschoer,
I am writing this mail in order to thank you mentioning the people outside the conference about non-lethal weapons in Ettlingen, who came from everywere to claim being vicitms of experimentation.
We are really with many more worldwide, a recent petition online can give an idea...
Most of the vicitms know a little each other.
In January 2007 there has been an artikle on the group from USA, in the Washington post. Written by journalist Sharon Weinberger.
Washington Post Mind Games 15 01 2007
Discussion On Line
This problem is a worldwide and strongly growing problem, recently the vicitms from different countries try to get to know each other.
In Germany this problem exists for many years as well, many writings to politicians and helping organizations have been before.
If you would have some time to look at this problem, and write something about it, about the european community of so many vicitms, knowing very sure somebody is doing experiments, terrible experiments on humans, while nobody even believes them. The many people in Germany, but as well UK, and here as well in Belgium, and many more in Holland.
I do have most of the contacts and you can find many on the website of Europe as well.
We are desperate, asking for any help we can get, to make this public.
Sorry for my not so well English, I am Dutch, I speak German, but do not write it.
The european website,
The forum:
My name and number
Monika Stoces
Oudemansstraat 22
2000 Antwerpen
00 32 (0)3 288 83 20
00 32 (0)497 48 01 31
I will try to contact you later on, please take a look at this story, it is shocking.
Nice greets from Belgium, hope to hear from you.
Monika Stoces