It has worked!
Email from Derrick Robinson
dcr618 all of you who have written, faxed, and called to Congress over the past few weeks.
It has worked!
Several of us just got off the phone from talking to the Oversight Committee.
We called and were about to start our spiel for the umpteenth time, but before we could get to it, the guy interrupted and said,
"Is this the Mind Control group?"
Well, we had to say, "Yes."
Then he said that they had been getting a lot of calls, faxes, etc. and that they "would be looking into this".
This person sounded friendly and sincere and like he was speaking from a consensus in the office.
So again to all of you that wrote, called, and faxed, Thanks!
The group effort has paid off.
We're still not out of the woods, though.
So whenever you all get some time, call, write, or send in some info to this office.
It would also help to notify your representative and send information to him / her.
They ALL need to be kept informed of what's happening to us.
Don't ever to listen to those that say ALL of Congress knows what's going on and are complicit.
That is NOT true!
And that thinking would hamper our efforts!
We must have a sustained, consistent effort to be successful in this struggle.
Email address at this site:
1-202-225-5051 - Phone
1-202-225-4784 - Fax
Derick Robinson
From Gerry Duffett
14-4218 Lawrence Ave
E Box 218
Canada M1E4X9
dcr618 all of you who have written, faxed, and called to Congress over the past few weeks.
It has worked!
Several of us just got off the phone from talking to the Oversight Committee.
We called and were about to start our spiel for the umpteenth time, but before we could get to it, the guy interrupted and said,
"Is this the Mind Control group?"
Well, we had to say, "Yes."
Then he said that they had been getting a lot of calls, faxes, etc. and that they "would be looking into this".
This person sounded friendly and sincere and like he was speaking from a consensus in the office.
So again to all of you that wrote, called, and faxed, Thanks!
The group effort has paid off.
We're still not out of the woods, though.
So whenever you all get some time, call, write, or send in some info to this office.
It would also help to notify your representative and send information to him / her.
They ALL need to be kept informed of what's happening to us.
Don't ever to listen to those that say ALL of Congress knows what's going on and are complicit.
That is NOT true!
And that thinking would hamper our efforts!
We must have a sustained, consistent effort to be successful in this struggle.
Email address at this site:
1-202-225-5051 - Phone
1-202-225-4784 - Fax
Derick Robinson
From Gerry Duffett
14-4218 Lawrence Ave
E Box 218
Canada M1E4X9
Omega - 30. Apr, 23:13