Websites dealing with brain "entrainment"
Lance Blanck
Fri Jun 1, 2007 16:00
Do some word seaches [ ]. Type in "subliminal suggestion", or "mind control", or "manipulation of perception", or "Remote Behavioral Influence Technology", or "Brain Zapping", or "Biocontrol Systems", or "Psycho-Acoustic Projector", or "Nervous System Excitation Device", or "System and Method for Controlling the Nervous System of a Living Organism", or "Remotely Monitoring and Altering Brian Waves", or "Inducing Altered States of Consciousness", or "TMS", or "Psychotronic Weapons", or "Neuro Programming", or "Physio Info Tronics", or "Neurodulation Systems", and see how many websites there are that deal with these and related subjects. There are millions! Get on the USPTO website and the WIPO website and do the same. Type in the letters "SSSS" an see what you come up with! There are hundreds of websites dealing with brain "...entrainment..." technologies connected with the development of Humanistic Artificial Intelligence! Take it from there!;article=111208;show_parent=1 (excerpt)
Fri Jun 1, 2007 16:00
Do some word seaches [ ]. Type in "subliminal suggestion", or "mind control", or "manipulation of perception", or "Remote Behavioral Influence Technology", or "Brain Zapping", or "Biocontrol Systems", or "Psycho-Acoustic Projector", or "Nervous System Excitation Device", or "System and Method for Controlling the Nervous System of a Living Organism", or "Remotely Monitoring and Altering Brian Waves", or "Inducing Altered States of Consciousness", or "TMS", or "Psychotronic Weapons", or "Neuro Programming", or "Physio Info Tronics", or "Neurodulation Systems", and see how many websites there are that deal with these and related subjects. There are millions! Get on the USPTO website and the WIPO website and do the same. Type in the letters "SSSS" an see what you come up with! There are hundreds of websites dealing with brain "...entrainment..." technologies connected with the development of Humanistic Artificial Intelligence! Take it from there!;article=111208;show_parent=1 (excerpt)
Omega - 2. Jun, 08:47