Back in 2008 Monika Stoces did a survey for which I owe her a great deal of thanks. She sent out a survey to 76 alleged victims and among other things asked them 'In what year did you become aware that you were being tortured'. 73 of the respondents answered this question. When Monika analyzed the data graphicly, she found a very steep increase in the number of victims who began to be tortured starting with the year 2000. I looked at the same numbers and said it must have been 2001 when the curve swept up because that is the year G.W. Bush was inaugurated President of the USA. No said Monika the date says 2000 and Derrick did a survey which showed the same thing and so did Soleil Mavis. I am busy trying to finally organize my documents and I came across the survey which Monika had sent me. A couple of days later I was reading a second document which explains the sharp increase in the number of admissions to the Electronic Concentration Camp System which occurred in 2001. I think every one of you who dates his or her torture from the year 2000 or since then, and who lives in Europe, should get ahold of the following document and READ IT from beginning to end. It's only 38 pages long and I am not going to tell you the page on which there is a paragraph which will save your lives. The name of the document is
US/UK Non-Lethal Weapons (NLW)/Urban Operations Executive Seminar, 30 November 2000 London, Assessment Report
I believe you can find this document on the Federation of American Scientists website at or is it .com? If you try there and claim it isn't posted there, try typing the whole title into Google.
Harlan Girard
Psychopharmazeutische Drogen als Waffe gegen zivile Ziele